If that is the case, then please continue!
"Why spend hours, days or even weeks on an assessment if you can achieve results much quicker?"
Stream allows users to execute assessments in the blink of an eye. Our platform includes assessment tools for:
QuickScan MPS, Print Management, Augmented Reality/Digital Print, CRD/IP/PP, Business Information Management
(containing: Workflow Analysis, Document Management, Content Management, Preprinted paper)
"More quality time is left because your sales documentation was already fully fledged prepared?"
For each assessment executed by the specialist a customer tailored report and associated presentation can be generated.
Depending on the type of report or presentation the user requested it takes only seconds to have it ready
"Why spend time on calculating forecasts and sales results if all is already prepared in the application you're using?"
Based on user and access level, users will have handy tools to simplify reporting to management and see their results on demand.
Bye bye Spreadsheets
"Why wait for results or chase your team (members) to send their sales fore-cast?"
An annoying repeating task to ask your employees to provide their sales funnel and results.
Have access to all sales-results (forecast) on national level! And see what is:
"How can Head-Quarter Monitor local performance?"
Instead of the labor intensive activities of sending/receiving and merging spreadsheets and on top doing the math to see the results, International management can check on demand the sales performance country by country.
Not only financially but even performance on solution level
Managing your organization and steering in the right direction becomes easier
"My customer needs the info now and I am not in the office?"
Not only do users have access at any-time at any place but it is also easy to take over a case as all is fully standardized.
The sales must go on
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